Don't wish to donate via paypal? Please send an email to our treasurer, Adam Naylor, at
What type of organisation are you?
We are an unincorporated association.
An unincorporated association is a joining together of two or more people for 'common purposes by mutual undertakings, each having mutual duties and obligations in an organisation which has rules and identify in whom control of it and its funds rest and on what terms and which may be joined or left at will.'
Such associations lack the formal creation of incorporation so have no separate legal personality so cannot hold property in their own right or be the subject of rights and obligations in their own names.
Examples of unincorporated associations includes sports and social clubs, cultural groups and certain charitable bodies.
If you wish to have a copy of our constitution please email our treasurer, Adam Naylor, at
What happens to the money I give to you?
We are bound by our constitution which sets out the aims and objectives of the group. Any gifts given will be used accordingly.
Can I see a copy of your accounts?
Yes, a copy of our accounts is due to be added to this site soon. We strongly believe in transparency.
What happens if the group is wound up?
This is highly unlikely in the short term as we expect this to go on for a number of years. When the group is finally wound up, the assets remaining is governed by our constitution. The relevant extract is below:
Such other associations or charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Association as the Committee may decide;
Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People;
To be supplied with a copy of our constitution, or have any more questions or queries, please feel free to email our treasurer, Adam Naylor, at